July 14, 2022

7-1/2 Years...

 7-1/2 Years...

How do I even begin?

The amount of water that has passed under my life bridge during that span of time is immense. I've gained knowledge through experience and lost friends, pets, and family. And some of my sanity. Two things I haven't lost are my girth and the resulting beard. I've not given up on trimming down and will continue to wear this face mane until I drop some poundage!

Maybe I'll pick this up again. Perhaps not. 

December 29, 2014

Big and Bearded ... Is It Just The New Me?

Ermahgerd, it's the hurlidurs agin.

Still fat and thus, still hairy. It is also the holidays, which means it isn't easy to maintain, let alone lose, weight. I have been ebbing and flowing with 5-6 lbs. for some time now. I get close and then my weight creeps back. Still trying, but two years into the beard penance, it is getting old.

No snowboarding yet. But there has been decent enough snow now for what, a week? Promise that I am taking Smarty Pants up on Sunday.

New bikes... new bikes.... they fill my dreams and haunt my waking hours.

August 28, 2014

The Beard Challenge — Day XXXX

Weight: 162

Time just sorta rolls on, don't it?

My cholesterol is high. My backfat is starting to roll. I think I have another chin under the beard. None of this is shocking since my body fat is about 21%. Running sucks more than ever and I can't do a single pull up for the first time I can remember.

You would think that it would be enough to elicit major changes. But so far it hasn't. Doesn't mean that I am quitting, either.

This has been the first week of revised eating habits and, other than a couple of desserts, it has gone well. I have done some workouts, and actually got on the mtb for the first time in forever. (It was pathetic.)

My move to sloth didn't happen overnight, and I can't expect to change that quickly. It's coming. It is, as I have said before, just a matter of ingraining the changes I need to make to get me back to where I was. Or better.

August 18, 2014

The Beard Challenge — Day XXX

Weight: 160.4

As I run out of projects to work on at home, I find that I am compelled to do other things. Wii Harry Potter for example. Beat it yesterday. That's right, I did it. Well, Smarty Pants and I did it. Kid is ... smart and saved my bacon a couple of times by easily figuring out sections I was struggling with. Okay, I should have been doing something more active. But we were having FUN! And having fun with my best little friend is vastly more important than almost everything.

All is not lost. Thanks to watching what I am eating and a moderate amount of exercise, I am down a tenuous pound. Which leaves only five more to go. The same five I have needed to lose for months. It'll happen.

August 12, 2014

The Beard Challenge — Day XXIV

Weight: 161.2

I need to pick it up or else I will be forced to increase my knowledge of Roman numerals.

The reason my weight has not ebbed is because I have done NOTHING to reduce it. Nothing. Well, I ran one day last week. Why? No good reason. I've been doing stuff like finishing out the basement, removing some wallpaper, and trying to save my zucchini plant from whatever is killing it. But I still have time to exercise. Like I said, no good excuse. So, I still have this rotten beard. But I am running out of shit to do, which is awesome.

Like I keep saying, it is about habit. Breaking old ones and starting new ones. I would like to say that signing up for a race would motivate me, but I doubt it would. Not to any degree anyway. It just has to come from inside and I guess that I just haven't found the mojotivation to get after it adequately. That said, I am starting to get a fat roll on my back. Like sort of higher up, below my lats. If that, plus my backfat, plus this hot, sweaty dust collector on my face isn't enough then I can't imagine what will be.

I'll think about it whilst running today, weather permitting. It has been a mild summer...